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- Acquisition Team
Acquisition division (Books & Periodicals)
The Acquisition section of the library deals with the acquisition of books, ebooks, and e-journals for the library and makes them available for users at the earliest after the recommendation.
1. The section is responsible for cataloguing, tooling, and RFID tagging of print books and for the update and maintenance and renewal of ebook and ejournal records and their availability and accessibility to users.
2. The library acquires books through approved vendors.
3. To recommend the book, faculty and staff members can fill out and sign the indent form that should also be signed by the DLC, or the acting DLC, or the HOD, or the acting HOD.
Book Recommendation
For text books, the number of students enrolled is mentioned along with the name of the course and course number.
Online Purchase please click here to know more details.
Journal Usage Statistics (2020-2022) |
Name | Position | Mail Us | Phone |
Dr. Sushanta Kr Pathy | Assistant Librarian | spathy@iitk.ac.in | 7334 |
Ms. Rekha Bharti | Library Information Officer | rekhab@iitk.ac.in | 6040 |
Mr. Anil Kumar Mishra | Library Information Officer | mishraak@iitk.ac.in | 7323 |
Mr. Brij Mohan Singh | Asst Library Information Officer | brij@iitk.ac.in | 7707 |
Ms. Rangoli Awasthi | Asst Library Information Officer | rangoli@iitk.ac.in | 6862 |
Ms. Shahana Sultana | Sr Library Information Assistant | shahana@iitk.ac.in | 6862 |
Mr. Durgesh Chandra | Sr Library Information Assistant | durgeshc@iitk.ac.in | 7298 |
Mr. Mwkthang Brahma | Sr Library Information Assistant | mbrahma@iitk.ac.in | 7298 |
Mr. Suresh Chandra | Sr. Assistant (Library) | sureshc@iitk.ac.in | 7331 |
Mr. Vipin Gupta | Jr. Assistant | viping@iitk.ac.in | 7002 |
Mr. Rohit Bhatt | Jr. Assistant | rohitb@iitk.ac.in | 7223 |

Dr. Sushanta Kumar Pathy
Assistant Librarian
(Books, journals & databases)
Opening Hours
Sat & Sun - Closed
P K Kelkar Library , IIT Kanpur
Contact Us
libacq@iitk.ac.in (Mail us)