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From: 1961 To: 1999
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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1956 To: 2005
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Publisher:      JSTOR

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Publisher:      JSTOR

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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1958 To: 1959
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The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology

Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1955 To: 1961
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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1945 To: 1949
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Publisher:      JSTOR

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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1982 To: 2003
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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1961 To: 2003
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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1955 To: 2005
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Publisher:      JSTOR

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Publisher:      JSTOR

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Publisher:      JSTOR

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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1853 To: 2007
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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1962 To: 2007
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Publisher:      JSTOR

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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1957 To: 2005
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Publisher:      JSTOR

From: 1945 To: 2005
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