
Geo-Marine Letters

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1981 To: Present
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Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1966 To: Present
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Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Journal of Management and Governance

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1977 To: Present
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Journal of Marine Science and Technology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1996 To: Present
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Geologie en Mijnbouw

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: 1999
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Journal of Market-Focused Management

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1996 To: 2002
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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1999 To: Present
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Geometriae Dedicata

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1973 To: Present
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Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Geometric and Functional Analysis

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1991 To: Present
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Journal of Materials Science

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1966 To: Present
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Georgian Mathematical Journal

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1994 To: Present
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Journal of Materials Science Letters

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1982 To: 2003
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Geotechnical and Geological Engineering

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1983 To: Present
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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1966 To: Present
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Geriatric Nephrology and Urology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1991 To: 1999
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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1990 To: Present
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