
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 08-02-2008 To: Present
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Biotechnology Letters

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering

Publisher:      The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering

From: 01-06-1997 To: Present
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Boundary-Layer Meteorology

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Brain Imaging and Behavior

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 04-05-2007 To: Present
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Brain Structure and Function

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Brain Topography

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Brain Tumor Pathology

Publisher:      Springer Singapore

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Brazilian Journal of Botany

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-03-2013 To: Present
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Brazilian Journal of Physics

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 07-04-2011 To: Present
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Breast Cancer

Publisher:      Springer Japan

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Building Simulation

Publisher:      Tsinghua University Press

From: 01-03-2008 To: Present
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Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-2003 To: Present
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Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-04-1997 To: Present
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Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Bulletin of Materials Science

Publisher:      Indian Academy of Sciences

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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