E Journals (A to Z)

Tribology Letters

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1969 To: Present
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Tropical Animal Health and Production

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1969 To: Present
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Ukrainian Mathematical Journal

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1967 To: Present
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Universal Access in the Information Society

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2001 To: Present
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Urban Ecosystems

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Urological Research

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1973 To: Present
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User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1991 To: Present
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Vegetation History and Archaeobotany

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1992 To: Present
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Veterinary Research Communications

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1977 To: Present
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Virchows Archiv

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1847 To: Present
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Virtual Reality

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Virus Genes

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1988 To: Present
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Visual Geosciences

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1998 To: 2008
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Water Quality and Ecosystems Modeling

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2000 To: 2000
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Water Resources Management

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1987 To: Present
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Water, Air, and Soil Pollution

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1971 To: Present
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Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2001 To: 2008
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Wetlands Ecology and Management

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1991 To: Present
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Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2003 To: Present
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Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2003 To: 2013
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Wireless Networks

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Wireless Personal Communications

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1994 To: Present
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Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2005 To: 2013
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Wood Science and Technology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1967 To: Present
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World Journal of Surgery

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1977 To: Present
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World Journal of Urology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1983 To: Present
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World Wide Web

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1998 To: Present
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Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1950 To: Present
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Zeitschrift fur Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1920 To: 1997
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Zeitschrift fur Physik B Condensed Matter

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1962 To: 1997
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Zeitschrift fur Physik C Particles and Fields

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1979 To: 1997
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Zeitschrift fur Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1986 To: 1997
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Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1924 To: Present
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Publisher:      Taylor & Francis

From: 2014 To: Present
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Advanced Composite Materials

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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American Statistician

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1923 To: Present
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British Journal for History of Philosophy

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1993 To: Present
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Canadian Water Resources Journal

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1976 To: Present
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Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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Communications in Statistics Part A : Theory and Method

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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Communications in Statistics Part B : Simulation and Computation

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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Consumption Markets and Culture

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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Development in Practice

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1991 To: Present
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Economic Systems Research

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1989 To: Present
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Electric Power Components and Systems

Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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Publisher:      TAYLOR AND FRANCIS

From: 1997 To: Present
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