E Journals (A to Z)

Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2001 To: Present
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Clinical and Experimental Metastasis

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1983 To: Present
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Clinical and Experimental Nephrology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1998 To: Present
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Clinical Oral Investigations

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Clinical Research in Cardiology Supplements

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2006 To: Present
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Clinical Rheumatology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1982 To: Present
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Clinical Social Work Journal

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1973 To: Present
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Cluster Computing

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1998 To: Present
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Cognition, Technology and Work

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1999 To: Present
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Cognitive Processing

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2004 To: Present
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Cognitive Therapy and Research

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1977 To: Present
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Colloid and Polymer Science

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1906 To: Present
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Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1868 To: Present
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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1965 To: Present
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Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1929 To: 2004
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Communications in Mathematical Physics

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1965 To: Present
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Community Mental Health Journal

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1965 To: Present
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Comparative Clinical Pathology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1991 To: Present
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Comparative Haematology International

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1991 To: Present
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Compositio Mathematica

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: 2003
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Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1996 To: Present
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Computational Complexity

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1982 To: Present
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Computational Geosciences

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Computational Management Science

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2003 To: Present
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Computational Mathematics and Modeling

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1990 To: Present
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Computational Mechanics

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1986 To: Present
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Computational Optimization and Applications

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1992 To: Present
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Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1992 To: Present
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Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1966 To: Present
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Computing and Visualization in Science

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: Present
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Conservation Genetics

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 2000 To: Present
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Constitutional Political Economy

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1990 To: Present
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Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1996 To: Present
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Constructive Approximation

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1969 To: Present
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Contemporary Family Therapy

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1979 To: Present
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Continental Philosophy Review

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1977 To: Present
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Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1989 To: Present
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Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1947 To: Present
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Coral Reefs

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1982 To: Present
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Crime, Law and Social Change

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1977 To: Present
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Criminal Law Forum

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1989 To: Present
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Critical Criminology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1989 To: Present
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Critical Reviews in Neurosurgery

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1997 To: 2000
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Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1977 To: Present
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Current Genetics

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1979 To: Present
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Current Microbiology

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1978 To: Present
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Current Science

Publisher:      SPRINGER

From: 1932 To: Present
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