
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, 2004 IEEE/OES

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2004 To: 2004
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AUTOTESTCON '78. International Automatic Testing Conference

Publisher:      IEL

From: 1978 To: 1978
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Circuits and Devices Magazine, IEEE

Publisher:      IEL

From: 1985 To: 2006
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Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on

Publisher:      IEL

From: 1991 To: Present
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Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2004 To: Present
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Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2004 To: Present
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Circuits and Systems Magazine

Publisher:      IEL

From: 1979 To: 1984
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Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2001 To: Present
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