
Angewandte Chemie

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Polymer Composites

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Anthropology and Education Quarterly

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Polymer Engineering and Science

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Polymer International

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Anthropology Today

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Population and Development Review

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Aquaculture Research

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Architectural Design

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Art History-Journal of Association of Art Historians

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Process Safety Progress

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1959 To: Present
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Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Basin Research

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Project Management Journal

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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Bell Labs Technical Journal

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1996 To: Present
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Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

Publisher:      WILEY

From: 1997 To: Present
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