
Exploiting Millimetric Wavebands, IEE Colloquium on

Publisher:      IEL

From: 1994 To: 1994
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Geometric Modeling and Imaging--New Trends, 2006

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2006 To: 2006
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Extending LAN - High Speed Data Services, IEE Colloquium on

Publisher:      IEL

From: 1995 To: 1995
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Geometric Modeling and Processing, 2002. Proceedings

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2002 To: 2002
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Geometric Modeling and Processing, 2004. Proceedings

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2004 To: 2004
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Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2004 To: Present
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Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, IEEE

Publisher:      IEL

From: 2013 To: Present
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