Archives Division

Archives Division

Archives serve as a "reminiscence" of an institute. The functions of an archive are to acquire, arrange, describe, and preserve all forms of records related to the history and administration of the institute.
It has become essentially important to institutions because knowledge of history is fundamental for internal communications and for solutions to problems. Archival materials are distinguished in nature, which is essential not just for the institute but for the society.
A record management committee has been constituted by the institute, which will look into the records of different departments and will advise on their retention and destruction on the guidelines given by the government of India. The records will be transferred to the archives after necessary pruning.

Archives Division HoldingsRecords

Retired Faculty Records
Retired Staff Records
Old Convocation & Events Pics
Institute Reports

Archives DatabaseRetired Fautly and Staff

Archives Division has created a database of retired faculty and staff of the Institute. This database is accessible only to privileged users.

What is archives management?

Archives management is the area of management concerned with the maintenance and use of archives. It is concerned with the acquisition, care, arrangement, description, and retrieval of records once they have been transferred from an organisation to the archival repository. Once records have been selected and transferred to archival custody, they become archives.

Categorisation of Archives records

In order to the useful and importance of the records, it should be retained on priority. For this purpose, the records are categorised under the categories "A", "B", and "C" according to their importance.

Category ‘A’

‘A' meaning ‘keep and microfilm', this classification will be adopted for:

1. Files that are eligible for permanent preservation for administrative purposes and must be microfilmed because they contain: (i) a document so valuable that its original must be preserved intact and access to it in its original form must be limited to the bare minimum; or (ii) material that is likely to be required for frequent reference.

2.    Files of historical importance.

Category ‘B’

"B," meaning "keep but do not microfilm"—This class will cover files required for permanent preservation for administrative purposes but not containing material of the kind mentioned in (i) or (ii) of the previous para.

Category ‘C’

"C" means "keep for a specified period only"; this class will include files of secondary importance and have reference value for a limited period not exceeding ten years.

Activities involved in Archives management

The main activities involved in archives management can be grouped into the following six categories:

  1. Creation
  1. Classification
  1. Custody
  1. Maintenance
  1. Preservation
  1. Review & Weeding

Collection of Records

The PKKL Archives house the following records:
1. Records of retired/resigned faculty employees (DOFA office)
2. Retired or resigned staff employee records (Registrar's office)
3. IITK Convocation and other significant events (albums and photos)
4. IITK reports 
5. Alumni newsletter
6. Pamphlets
7. Newspapers clippings
8. Books

Archival tools

The Archives Division uses the following hardware and software tools for the preservation of records:

1. Zeutschel Overhead Scanner(OS 12000
2. External Hard Disk (WD)
3. Segate Network Hard Disk
4. Adobe Acrobat Professional

Donation to Archives

Archives unit also receives photographs, oral history, video, and audio files related to the institute's history. The complementary materials can be given to the archives unit by all alumni of the institute as well as by people from outside the institute.

Contact Us to Make a Donation

(Call Us) +91 0512 2596055
Call us at +91 0512 2596953.
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Dr. S K Vijaianand

Deputy Librarian


Mr. Ramakant

Asst. Library Information Officer


Mr. Vivek Kumar Yadav

Asst. Library Information Officer



Dr. S K Vijaianand
Deputy Librarian

All units, I/c (Automation & Archives)

Opening Hours

Mon to Fri - 09:00 to 5:30
Sat & Sun - Closed


Room No. LIB 100, Basement
P K Kelkar Library , IIT Kanpur

Contact Us

+91 0512 2596953 (Call Us)  (Mail us)