Contact us: 7671 ,7223
e-Mail: libcirc@iitk.ac.in
e-Mail: libcirc@iitk.ac.in
You will receive an e-mail alert /notification from libcirc@iitk.ac.in
- Reminder to return/renew overdue Library Documents.
- Reserved books return Notice.
- Reserved book collect Notice.
- Weekly New Arrival alert.
- Advance notice for Book/s renewal.
- Intimation of renewed books.
SMS Alerts
P K kelkar library also have SMS Text messages facility. SMS alerts are sent only for the activities done with the patron’s library account. You can opt-in to receive SMS text notifications for Library Notices Alerts also.
For this contact at Circulation Counter or mail to libcirc@iitk.ac.in
For this contact at Circulation Counter or mail to libcirc@iitk.ac.in