E Journals (A to Z)


Applied Categorical Structures

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Applied Composite Materials

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Entomology and Zoology

Publisher:      Springer Japan

From: 01-02-2011 To: Present
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Applied Geomatics

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-06-2009 To: Present
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Applied Geophysics

Publisher:      Chinese Geophysical Society

From: 01-07-2004 To: Present
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Applied Intelligence

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Magnetic Resonance

Publisher:      Springer Vienna

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Mathematics & Optimization

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Publisher:      Shanghai University

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities

Publisher:      Editorial Committee of Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Physics A

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Physics B

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Applied Research in Quality of Life

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-05-2006 To: Present
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Applied Solar Energy

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-03-2007 To: Present
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Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-04-2008 To: Present
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Aquaculture International

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Aquatic Ecology

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Aquatic Geochemistry

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Aquatic Sciences

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-2011 To: Present
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Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 27-06-2008 To: Present
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Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-03-2009 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-08-2005 To: Present
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Archiv der Mathematik

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Archival Science

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-2001 To: Present
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Archive for History of Exact Sciences

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Archive for Mathematical Logic

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-04-1997 To: Present
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Archive of Applied Mechanics

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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AAPS PharmSciTech

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-03-2000 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer London

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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AIDS and Behavior

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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AMS Review

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-2011 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer Milan

From: 01-12-1997 To: Present
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AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-02-2004 To: Present
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AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-06-2007 To: Present
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Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-12-1997 To: Present
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Academic Questions

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Acoustical Physics

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-05-2000 To: Present
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Acta Analytica

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-2002 To: Present
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Acta Applicandae Mathematicae

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Acta Biotheoretica

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Acta Geotechnica

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-05-2006 To: Present
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Acta Informatica

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Acta Mathematica Hungarica

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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