E Journals (A to Z)

Remote Sensing of Environment

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Renewable Energy Focus

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Renewable Energy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Reports of Practical Oncology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Reports on Mathematical Physics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Representation Theory


From: 1997 To: Present
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Reproductive Biology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Reproductive BioMedicine Online

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Reproductive Toxicology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Accounting Regulation

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Developmental Disabilities

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Immunology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in International Business and Finance

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Microbiology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Organizational Behavior

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Social Stratification and Mobility

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Transportation Business and Management

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Transportation Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Veterinary Science

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research in Virology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Research Policy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Resource and Energy Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Resources Policy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Resources, Conservation and Recycling

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Respiration Physiology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Respiratory Investigation

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Respiratory Medicine

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Reumatologia Clinica (English Edition)

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Review of Accounting and Finance

Publisher:      EMERALD

From: 2002 To: 2014
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Review of Economic Dynamics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Review of Financial Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Review of Modern Physics


From: 1929 To: 2014
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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Review of Scientific Instruments


From: 1930 To: Present
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Reviews in Gynaecological Practice

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Reviews in Vascular Medicine

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Revista Clinica Espanola (English Edition)

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental (English Edition)

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Revista Espanola de Cardiologia (English Edition)

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Revista Espanola de Medicina Nuclear (English Edition)

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Revista Mathematica Iberoamericana


From: 1985 To: Present
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