E Journals (A to Z)

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1982 To: 1994
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Journal of Accounting Education

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1983 To: 1994
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Journal of Accounting Literature

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Acute Disease

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Acute Medicine

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Adolescence

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Adolescent Health

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Aerosol Science

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Publisher:      ASCE

From: 1988 To: Present
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Journal of Affective Disorders

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of African Earth Sciences

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Aging Studies

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


From: 1953 To: Present
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Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Air Transport Management

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Aircraft

Publisher:      AIAA

From: 1964 To: Present
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Journal of Algebra

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Anxiety Disorders

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Biomedicine

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Geophysics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Logic

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1958 To: 1994
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Journal of Applied Mechanics

Publisher:      ASME

From: 1960 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Physics


From: 1931 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Physiology


From: 1996 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Approximation Theory

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Archaeological Science

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Architectural Engineering

Publisher:      ASCE

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Arid Environments

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Asian Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Asian Studies


From: 2002 To: Present
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Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of ASTM standards


From: 2004 To: Present
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Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Autoimmunity

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Journal of Banking and Finance

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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