E Journals (A to Z)

Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Canadian Journal of Diabetes

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology / Journal Canadien dOphtalmologie

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cancer Cell

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 2014 To: Present
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Cancer Detection and Prevention

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cancer Epidemiology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cancer Genetics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cancer Letters

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cancer Treatment Reviews

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Carbohydrate Polymers

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Carbohydrate Research

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1963 To: 1994
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Cardiovascular Pathology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Career Development International

Publisher:      EMERALD

From: 1996 To: 2014
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Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Case Studies on Transport Policy

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Catalysis Communications

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Catalysis Today

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1987 To: 1994
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Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cell Calcium

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cell Metabolism

Publisher:      CELL PRESS

From: 2005 To: Present
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Publisher:      CELL PRESS

From: 2009 To: Present
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Cellular Immunology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cellular Signalling

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cement and Concrete Composites

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cement and Concrete Research

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Cement, concrete and Aggregates


From: 1994 To: 2004
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Ceramics International (continued from Ceramurgia International)

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1986 To: 1994
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Ceramics International

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Ceramurgia International (continued as Ceramics International)

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1975 To: 1976
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From: 1991 To: Present
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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1991 To: 1994
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Chemical and Engineering News


From: To: Present
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Chemical Engineering and Processing

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1984 To: Present
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Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Chemical Engineering Research and Design

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Chemical Engineering Science

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1951 To: Present
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Chemical Engineering


From: 2006 To: Present
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Chemical Geology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Chemical Health and Safety

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Chemical Physics Letters

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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