E Journals (A to Z)

Journal of Computational Neuroscience

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Computer Science and Technology

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques

Publisher:      Springer Paris

From: 01-11-2005 To: Present
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Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-01-2006 To: Present
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Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Computing in Higher Education

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Consumer Policy

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences)

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-02-2007 To: Present
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Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences)

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-01-2007 To: Present
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Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-04-2013 To: Present
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Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology

Publisher:      The Korean Society of Crop Science

From: 01-03-2009 To: Present
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Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Cryptographic Engineering

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-04-2011 To: Present
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Journal of Cryptology

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Cultural Economics

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Digital Imaging

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Earth Science

Publisher:      China University of Geosciences

From: 01-02-2009 To: Present
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Journal of Earth System Science

Publisher:      Springer India

From: 01-06-1997 To: Present
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Journal of East Asian Linguistics

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Echocardiography

Publisher:      Springer Japan

From: 01-03-2009 To: Present
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Journal of Economic Growth

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-05-2006 To: Present
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Journal of Economics

Publisher:      Springer Vienna

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Economics and Finance

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Educational Change

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-2000 To: Present
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Journal of Elasticity

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Electroceramics

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Electronic Materials

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Electronic Testing

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Engineering Mathematics

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-03-2007 To: Present
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Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-2011 To: Present
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Journal of Ethology

Publisher:      Springer Japan

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Evolution Equations

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-03-2001 To: Present
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Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-01-2000 To: Present
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Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Experimental Criminology

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-04-2005 To: Present
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Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-02-2001 To: Present
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Journal of Family Violence

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Family and Economic Issues

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Financial Services Research

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-02-2007 To: Present
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Journal of Fluorescence

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Journal of Food Science and Technology

Publisher:      Springer India

From: 01-01-2010 To: Present
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