E Journals (A to Z)

Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-02-2007 To: Present
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Kinetics and Catalysis

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-01-2000 To: Present
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Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Knowledge and Information Systems

Publisher:      Springer London

From: 01-02-1999 To: Present
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Korea-Australia Rheology Journal

Publisher:      Korean Society of Rheology, Australian Society of Rheology

From: 01-03-2011 To: Present
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Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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La radiologia medica

Publisher:      Springer Milan

From: 01-02-2006 To: Present
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Landscape Ecology

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Landscape and Ecological Engineering

Publisher:      Springer Japan

From: 01-05-2005 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-03-2004 To: Present
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Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Language Policy

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-2002 To: Present
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Language Resources and Evaluation

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Lasers in Medical Science

Publisher:      Springer London

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Law and Critique

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-12-1997 To: Present
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Law and Philosophy

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Learning & Behavior

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Learning Environments Research

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1998 To: Present
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Letters in Mathematical Physics

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 20-06-2008 To: Present
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Lifetime Data Analysis

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer Japan

From: 01-04-2000 To: Present
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Linguistics and Philosophy

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Lithology and Mineral Resources

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-01-2000 To: Present
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Lithuanian Mathematical Journal

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Liverpool Law Review

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics

Publisher:      Pleiades Publishing

From: 01-01-2008 To: Present
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Logica Universalis

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-01-2007 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer India

From: 01-03-2009 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer Milan

From: 01-04-2010 To: Present
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Publisher:      Springer Milan

From: 01-01-2008 To: Present
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Machine Learning

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Machine Translation

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Machine Vision and Applications

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Macromolecular Research

Publisher:      The Polymer Society of Korea

From: 01-02-2002 To: Present
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Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Mammal Research

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-03-2001 To: Present
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Mammalian Genome

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Management International Review

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-02-2006 To: Present
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Management Review Quarterly

Publisher:      Springer International Publishing

From: 01-03-2005 To: Present
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Marine Biodiversity

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-03-1998 To: Present
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Marine Biology

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Marine Biotechnology

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1999 To: Present
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Marine Geophysical Research

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-02-1997 To: Present
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Marketing Letters

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Materials Science

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Materials and Structures

Publisher:      Springer Netherlands

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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Maternal and Child Health Journal

Publisher:      Springer US

From: 01-03-1997 To: Present
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Mathematical Geosciences

Publisher:      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

From: 01-01-1997 To: Present
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