E Journals (A to Z)

The Extractive Industries and Society

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Foot

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The International Journal of Accounting

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The International Journal of Biochemistry andCell Biology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The International Journal of Management Education

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Internet and Higher Education

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal for Nurse Practitioners

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Academic Librarianship

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Arthroplasty

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Publisher:      ASBMB

From: 1905 To: present
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The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Economic Asymmetries

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Economics of Ageing

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Emergency Medicine

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of High Technology Management Research

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Logic Programming

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Mathematical Behavior

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Pain

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Pediatrics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Risk Finance

Publisher:      EMERALD

From: 2000 To: 2014

The Journal of Social Studies Research

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Socio-Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Strategic Information Systems

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Supercritical Fluids

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Journal of Surgery

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Knee

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Leadership Quarterly

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Learning Organization

Publisher:      EMERALD

From: 1994 To: 2014
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The North American Journal of Economics and Finance

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Ocular Surface

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Social Science Journal

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Spanish Review of Financial Economics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Spine Journal

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The Surgeon

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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The TQM Journal (TQM Magazine)

Publisher:      EMERALD

From: 1994 To: 2014
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The Veterinary Journal

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1984 To: 1994
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Theoretical Computer Science

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1975 To: Present
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Theoretical Population Biology

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Thermochimica Acta

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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Thin Solid Films

Publisher:      ELSEVIER

From: 1995 To: Present
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